PostgreSQL Aggregate Functions

How to use Aggregate Functions in PostgreSQL with examples

👋 Hey there! Today, we’re diving into the super useful world of aggregate functions in PostgreSQL. If you’re looking to get summaries and insights from your data, you’re in the right place!

What Are Aggregate Functions?

Aggregate functions take multiple rows as input and return a single summary row. These are often used with the GROUP BY clause but can also be used without it.

Why the GROUP BY Clause Matters

The GROUP BY clause is crucial when you want to apply an aggregate function to a particular subset of rows. For example, if you’re using COUNT() and want to know how many TV series exist for each genre, you’d use GROUP BY to specify that the counting should happen for each genre separately.

Without the GROUP BY clause, the aggregate function will consider all rows as a single group. This might not give you the nuanced insight you’re looking for.

Basic Syntax

The general syntax is:

SELECT aggregate_function(column_name)
FROM table_name
GROUP BY column_name;


The COUNT() function returns the number of rows that match a specified condition.

Example 1:

To find out how many TV series are in each genre:

SELECT genre, COUNT(*)
FROM tv_series
GROUP BY genre;

Example 2:

To find out how many TV series have more than 10 seasons:

FROM tv_series
WHERE seasons > 10;


The SUM() function returns the summed value of a numeric column.

Example 1:

To find the total number of seasons for each genre:

SELECT genre, SUM(seasons)
FROM tv_series
GROUP BY genre;
genre sum
Science Fiction 40
Crime 24
Animation 43
Fantasy 15
Comedy 60
Drama 86

Example 2:

To find the total number of seasons released in the year 2020:

SELECT SUM(seasons)
FROM tv_series
WHERE release_year = 2020;


The AVG() function returns the average value of a numeric column.

Example 1:

To find the average number of seasons in each genre:

SELECT genre, AVG(seasons)
FROM tv_series
GROUP BY genre;
genre avg
Science Fiction 3.6363636363636364
Crime 4.0000000000000000
Animation 14.3333333333333333
Fantasy 5.0000000000000000
Comedy 6.0000000000000000
Drama 5.0588235294117647

Example 2:

To find the average number of seasons for TV series released in 2020:

SELECT AVG(seasons)
FROM tv_series
WHERE release_year = 2020;

MIN() and MAX()

These functions help you find the minimum and maximum values within a group.

Example 1:

The earliest year a series was released in each genre:

SELECT genre, MIN(release_year)
FROM tv_series
GROUP BY genre;
genre min
Science Fiction 2004
Crime 2013
Animation 1989
Fantasy 2011
Comedy 1994
Drama 1999

Example 2:

The latest year a series was released in each genre:

SELECT genre, MAX(release_year)
FROM tv_series
GROUP BY genre;

Common Errors and Solutions

Error Message:

ERROR:  function avg(character varying) does not exist


You’ve tried to use an aggregate function like AVG on a non-numeric column.


Ensure you’re using the aggregate function on a numeric or compatible data type.

Error Message:

ERROR:  column "column_name" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function


You’re trying to SELECT a column that isn’t part of the GROUP BY clause or used in an aggregate function.


Include the column in question in the GROUP BY clause or use it in an aggregate function.

Wrapping Up

Aggregate functions are powerful tools that can help you understand the underlying patterns in your data. Whether it’s counting, summing, or averaging, these functions offer a streamlined way to retrieve meaningful insights from your tv_series table or any other dataset.

With aggregate functions like COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, and MAX, you can dig deep into your data for better understanding and decision-making. And remember, the GROUP BY clause is your friend for grouping data before applying these awesome functions.

So go ahead, play around with these functions and watch your SQL queries shine! 🌟 Happy querying!

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